Do you want your child to receive the best education possible, and be individually challenged?
Honey Tree and Branches Academy is a small, Private Preschool, Prekindergarten, and Kindergarten - 8th Grade Academy. This affords us the ability to offer personal, high quality, differentiated services. We foster individual relationships so that our students feel loved and secure in an environment that promotes structured choices, responsibility and respect. All children have unique abilities and interests. Our program encourages your child’s growth and development utilizing challenging, differentiated instruction. This helps build a strong foundation, providing your child with the opportunity to get the most out of their educational experiences.
All children are in different stages of their social and academic growth. Each Academy Division is structured to assist your child in learning and growing based on their own needs to optimize their growth potential and maturity. This is easily symbolized as the growth of a tree as it reaches maturity, and as our students "Reach for the Highest Branches".